校园推理社拍摄的微电影剧情突然成为现实!微电影的女主角、夏驰的女友晴知突然收到神秘来信,离奇失踪。更为诡异的是,如同不曾存在过一般,除了夏驰和好友孟秦外,竟无人记得晴知这个人…… 为了寻找晴知,夏驰和孟秦不得不试图解开信中的谜题。他们意外发现,晴知被带入了一个名为“端脑”的游戏之中。为了找到晴知,他们闯入了游戏,在一次次智商、情商、体力、精神力甚至是性命的比拼中,逐渐接近了晴知失踪的真相,也渐渐发觉:端脑游戏,并没有想象中那么简单……
供职于国家电影资料馆的影片管理员大卫·威廉(鲁珀特·伊文斯 Rupert Evans 饰),在五年前和美丽的妻子爱丽丝(汉娜·霍克斯特拉 Hannah Hoekstra 饰)搬入一幢拥有上百年历史的老房子。此后的生活平淡如水,夫妻二人共同孕育出可爱的儿子比利(Calum Heath 饰)。某天,大卫为一部警方影片做记录时,意外发现自家的房子在1902年曾发生过一起可怕的杀妻案。此后的日子里,他接连被杀妻案的梦魇和幻觉所困扰,与此同时大卫对妻子的控制欲和其他男性的嫉妒也与日俱增。 直到某天,爱丽丝突然从大卫的生活中失踪,百年前的血腥案件似乎再现。大卫成为重要嫌疑人,而他怀疑当年杀人犯的恶灵正盘桓在一家人的头顶上空……
维亚特(亨利·方达 Henry Fonda 饰)、巴杰(提姆·霍尔特 Tim Holt 饰)、摩根(沃德·邦德 Ward Bond 饰)和杰姆斯(Don Garner 饰)是情同手足的四兄弟,彼此之间感情十分要好。某日,杰姆斯惨遭谋杀,另外三人将怀疑的重点放到了克雷顿一家人身上。 为了查清杰姆斯的死因,维亚特决定留在小镇上,成为了一名保安官,他同名为多可(维克多
《秀才遇见兵》:军队入城,老学究徐秀才(程刚 饰)为免生事端,严禁弱智儿子玉杰(石天 饰)和美丽的女儿玉珍上街。谁想正逢佳节,两个贪玩的孩子偷偷外出,偶然邂逅方营长。方迷恋玉珍的美貌,想尽办法要抱得美人归。无奈徐秀才虽然色心不死,但表面迂腐守旧,冥顽不灵,与方营长及其下属上演连番斗智斗勇的闹剧……
Middle class student Bob Letellier enters a new world when he meets Alain, a free-thinking rebel who, along with his group of young Parisians, has opted for a life of instant gratification instead of work and commitment. At a party, Bob meets a young woman, Mic, who appears to be just as carefree and cynical as Alain. Mic's only dream is to own a luxury car, and with Bob's help, she manages to find the money to but it. Mic's friend Clo discovers she is pregnant and, not knowing who the father is, she asks Bob to marry her. When they next meet at a party, Bob and Mic deny that they have any feelings for one another - a declaration that soon leads to tragedy... Marcel Carné is widely regarded as one of the standard bearers of French quality cinema of the 1930s and 1940s, responsible for such masterpieces as Quai des brumes (1938) and Les Enfants du Paradis (1945). How ironic then that, in 1958, towards the end of his film-making career, he should make a film which dared to portray the attitudes and behaviour of the 1950s youth, in a way that effectively captures the mood and sentiment of the time. Les Tricheurs was a hugely controversial film, not least because of its blatant depiction of adolescent free-love, and was even banned in some regions of France. It also received some intensely unfavourable reviews, most notably from the young hotheads on the Cahiers du cinéma such as François Truffaut who cited this film as a prime example of the decline of French cinema into mediocrity. In spite of all this negative press, the film proved to be an astonishing commercial success, attracting five million cinema-goers, and was awarded the Grand Prix du Cinéma français in 1958. Whilst Les Tricheurs is not as flawless as Carné's earlier masterpieces, it is nonetheless a significant work, having the power to both shock and move its audience, whilst having great entertainment value. It evokes the mood of its time in a way that few French films of this period did, depicting young people as pleasure-seeking rebels, rejecting the austerity and discipline of the previous generation whilst pursuing a life without cares, responsibilities or love. Similarities with James Dean's films of the 1950s (most notably Rebel without a Cause) are apparent, although Carné's treatment of young people is far more abstract - in his film they merely symbolise a world that has lost its way, more or less victims of post-war prosperity. Although the young people in Les Tricheurs lack the authenticity to be totally credible, the film does make an important, and indeed quite disturbing point, about where the permissive society may be heading. Much of the pleasure of the film is in the performances from its four lead actors, Jacques Charrier, Pascale Petit, Laurent Terzieff and Andréa Parisy, although only Terzieff is really convincing in his role. Marcel Carné originally considered Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo for the parts of Bob and Alain respectively, before opting for Charrier and Terzieff. As a consolation, Carné offered Belmondo a smaller part in the film - alas too small for the actor to be noticed by the public. Belmondo's breakthrough had to wait until the following year when he starred in Jean-Luc Godard's revolutionary A bout de souffle, a film which offers a very different perspective of the youth generation.
在青梅竹马小兰(忽那汐里 饰)的鼓动下,工藤新一(溝端淳平 饰)半推半就乘上飞往京都的飞机,去观摩正在那里拍摄时代剧的毛利小五郎(陈内孝则 饰)的表演。飞行途中,名叫大鹰和洋(波冈一喜 饰)的摄影师陈尸洗手间,引起乘务组的恐慌。工藤新一就在1万英尺的高空展开推理。好不容易来到京都摄影所,针对男主角樱庭(中村俊介 饰)的谋杀预告传来,不久更有一名女演员遇害。新一和对手服部平次(松坂桃李 饰)展开竞技般的推理……
女强人黄智安(金宣儿 饰)是一家皮鞋公司的理事,她同时是一名十分优秀的皮鞋设计师。这天,在赶往一个秀场途中,她遇到了朴泰江(李章宇 饰)。他是个只有高中文凭的靠做假鞋糊口的小贩,是一名空有梦想的贫穷青年。命运之手的安排,让这两个八竿子打不着的人联系在一起了,他们醉酒之后,稀里糊涂地共度一宿。一个是专业皮鞋设计师,一个是假鞋贩卖者,两个人注定要碰撞出更大的火花。 另一方面,迫于家庭的压力,黄智安听从父母安排去相亲,认识了相亲对象,妇产科医生赵恩成(朴健衡 饰)。独身主义者赵恩成遇到黄智安后,竟开始憧憬起婚姻来了……
《庭审专家 Bull》由Phil McGraw及Paul Attanasio编剧﹑Rodrigo Garcia负责执导,根据著名美国日间电视节目主持人兼人类研究专家Phil McGraw博士的真人真事改篇。Phil博士亦有提供法律咨询服务,在现实曾为奥普拉的「疯牛病言论 」作法律顾问。刚离开《海军犯罪调查处 NCIS》的Michael Weatherly饰演改编角色Jason Bull博士,他领导一间对陪审团进行分析,以制定辩护策略的公司Trial Sciences Inc.。他身材及智慧皆有,令到他很受异性吸引,不过他亦有十分冒犯人的直率性格。 Geneva Carr饰演Marissa,队中的心理学家﹑神经语言学专家(研究神经系统和语言之间关系的科学),并且是性心理疗法医师。Freddy Rodriguez饰演Benny,作为一支陪审团分析团...
生孩子了, 七天极品探花, 高端spa, 学生宿舍, 体育帅哥, 就是这样, 白白嫩嫩, 哺乳期少妇, 聂小雨黑色皮衣, 兰兰鹿鹿, 初中同学, 快手合集, 丝袜学生, 桥本有菜女教师, 房东的玩物, 禁止手淫, 世界之大无奇不有, 电台主持人, 秘书公司, 魔法女战士, cala, 夏目春彩, 性欲旺盛的女人, 欧美萝莉, 哺乳期妇女, 冢本亨利, 男生动漫, 深夜综艺, 红杏出墙, 户外露营, 半夜求爱, 清纯大学生, 印度精油按摩, 年轻富婆, 客服接待, 加藤绫乃, 艳舞表演, 婚庆主持, 火影忍者日向雏田, 美团女骑手, 自行车队, 便利店打工, 丝袜女教师, 姐姐免费, 射进去了, 性欲强的女人, 巨大乳头, 个人收藏, 出轨故事, 白丝少妇, 就算是爸爸 也想做, 相浦茉莉花, 少妇洗澡, 丈夫上司, 吊带睡衣, 出租司机, 诱惑制服, 武藤彩花, 特异功能, 韩国情侣, mkmp, 白丝袜诱惑, 快手抖音, 1936, 动漫np, 在世界尽头, 山叶小百合, 暂时停止做爱, 操硅胶娃娃, 夫妻日常, 1626, 少女武则天, 刚下飞机, 连体姐妹, 不爱穿内裤, nala, 马尾女孩, 学院派女神, 身材娇小, 妈妈动漫, 按摩系列, dind, 向日葵的绽放, 非洲留学生, 一个月做几次, 教师别恋, 如果可以的话, 护士白丝
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